Thursday, October 1, 2009

Changing Pace

As you many know, last year we purchased a "Waldorf Based" Curriculum for Gaynor and we Love it! This year I purchased one for Harland as well. I decided to go with a layed out curriculum because we are so new to the Waldorf ways. I also struggled with purchasing the Kindergarten set instead of the first grade set. Harland is only 5 but pretty much reading and writing(all on his own). Waldorf schooling does not start reading until first grade. But they feel very strongly about not pushing the child but giving them plenty of time to develop in other ways as well. So I purchased the kindergarten. Well, so far it is wonderful. It has been so great for me to focus more on the little kids. We do circle time daily and lots of drawing and painting. We have also changed our evening routine quite a bit to include more stories, songs and a bed time snack. It seems to be just what the doctor ordered for these boys. We were having endless fights and tantrums. Things have gotten much better. The boys do chores with me, fold laundry, make beds, wash dishes, sweep and bake.

The one thing I am struggling with is finding a consistent rhythm to our day. As much as I want this, it is very tough for me. We are working on it.
Handwork is a big part of the Waldorf day as well. Harland has learned to finger knit, and I taught Gaynor to knit this week too. He picked it right up and will be busting out winter wear and toys before you know it.

The fall is in full swing here. The foliage is glorious, the air is brisk, and it seems to have given new enthusiasm to everyone. My Brussel sprouts, cabbages, kale and carrots are going strong. Everything else has been killed by the hard frosts. Tuesday we saw a moose, right across the street. She stood there forever just staring at us while we stared at her. It was amazing! You just can't understand how huge they are until you see one in real life. Crazy! I know the picture is horrible but i was so excited and my camera is not great but i posted it anyway. It appears smaller than it was too. I think it was a young moose but still pretty giant in my eyes.
Our favorite meal right now is taking advantage of the last of the delicous fresh heirloom tomatoes we will have this year. English muffin pizzas. So SOOO yummy!

I am looking forward to getting our nature table set up. I'm thinking pumpkins, fall leaves and acorns to start. I have also started working on some new knitting....See so far.....

All this and tent making too.

Hope you are all enjoying your Autumn!

1 comment:

Darcy said...

It all looks so cozy and fun. Makes me want to enroll myself.