I know this is a little late. Sorry Dude, it's been a little hectic. I try to write a letter to my boys on their birthday. For this big teenage milestone, lets do a blog! First i want to say how it pains me to hear moms complain about having teenage children. Forrest is an absolute joy to have around (always has been). He has his moments, don't get me wrong but i don't think they are necessarily "teen specific", just child moments. He is an amazing help to me around here. He does anything and everything we ask usually without complaining. (dishes being the exception, but who can blame him YUCK!) He even offers! "Hey Mom, do you want me to take the kids for a walk so you can get some stuff done?" Wow!
What he's into. BOOKS!!!!! anything and everything, all though right now he is reading Breaking Dawn the 4th in the Twilight series. He also loves Darren Shan, author of Demonata. He actually just won a contest on Darren's blog(a blog-stalker just like his momma, i'm so proud!) and will be receiving autographed copies of his new book and a one of a kind t-shirt worn by mr. shan also signed. How cool is that. Recently we went to the library to pick up Brisingr, the third in the Eragon series (written by a homeschooled young man!!!) I waited in the car with the other boys, out comes Forrest, skipping (yes literally) holding the book over his head with a giant grin. I looked over at the lady in the car next to me and she was laughing too. it was really funny. We are constantly reminding him to talk about "real people" not fictional charecters! Forrest spends his tuesday mornings interning at a little organic farm with two of the coolest people. Sarah and Andy are great mentors and friends to forrest. He really loves going there. Forrest loves to write, i really think he will be an amazing author. He is working on his fist novel right now, It is official novel writing month after all. ( what you didn't know this??? who did?!) Forrest is trying really hard to stop saying crap so he now says "shnazz" its goofy. but better than crap. Music! he loves any and all (country excluded) he is dying for the Twilight soundtrack, but for now he digs, paramore, panic at the disco, System of a Down, Flight of the conchords, Mc Lars, Flobots, the list goes on and on. Juggling, all things juggling, scarves, beanbags, devil sticks. Reading, oh wait did i allready say that?? Playing his Wii which he and his brother saved for themselves. Heroes (the tv show) skipping stones in the river, going on adventures in our woods. Being a super polite, interesting, articulate, funny, kind, caring, well adjusted, young man! I am a little sad that he is growing up, the time has flown. I am, however, more excited to see the man he is becoming.!! You Totally Rock DUDE!
Forrest reading a chemistry book he got for his birthday from Auntie,